Monday, May 17, 2010

Peroxide Pain - May 2010

Is it horrible of me to say that I like it when my girls get owies because I can be nurse mom to them and be the shoulder to cry on? Ella scraped up her knee today again. She scraped it on the ferry the other day and got special big bandaids from one of the crew members and what they called "happy spray" which lessened the burn of the alchohol wipes. Anyway, she scraped it again today while running around and dancing with Keira and Alara at Triple X burgers. She screamed at the thought of cleaning it because she knows the pain. But she needed a shoulder to lean on afterward and could tell that mom really did care for her.

1 comment:

Erica said...

it's not any worse than me thinking that the girls are absolutely adorable when they cry (or are just about to cry)

I don't remember a lot from my childhood, but I definitely remember peroxide... both the cold sensation and that it oozed white.