Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Playschool - March 2012

Keira's second official day of playschool: Cindi took Keira and Alara together. Keira was rather talkative about it when she got home. She said that they played doctor and helped fix two cats and two dogs. She played hide and seek with the animal toys and put them in cages and covered them in rice to hide them. She brought home a purple popcorn art project that she glued to paper. She told me exactly what they had for snacks, honey bear crackers, bananas, and juice. She said Alara doesn't like bananas and that she didn't want any either. And she said she showed Mrs. Rogers how she does a forward roll.
I considered letting Ella go to playschool too because Jane Rogers invited her to come since she is still 5. But I thought it would be best for Keira to have her own thing and I'm really glad I did.  I second guessed myself when I dropped Keira off the first day and Jane said nicely that she wished they could have Ella too. Ella was a bit sad she couldn't go in because she had a great time playing on orientation day. But I hope to spend some quality time with her hanging out at Third Place Books or going to Dick's to get burgers in the future.

1 comment:

Erica said...

awwww sounds like fun! I want to go to Third place or Dick's with Ella!!

I love that your girls are so different- Ella miss i won't say anything about school ever and Kiera, miss I'm going to tell you exactly what I had for snacks :)