Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Growing up - February 2009

These days I really enjoy playing "airplane" with dad and his remote control helicopter. Sis likes to watch us play too. I sometimes help mom feed sis and even do an airplane imitation with her spoon for her. I've also enjoyed taking baths with sis and rinsing her off with mom and dads help. I could do without her trying to grab my binky all of the time though.

I sang all of "Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam" yesterday to mom after cleaning up toys just like in nursery. And when we were getting ready to leave church I saw that daddy's bag was still on the floor so I reminded him to get his "purse."

Pictured here I am painting at the Seattle Children's Museum.

February Ella Funnies: Said "no" for the first time with some hint of actually knowing what she was saying when mom asked her if she wanted to give dad a zerbert. Surely she'll learn it's full value to her in due time.Found a foam paint brush of moms to play with and mom told her what it was, so she naturally tried to brush her hair with it. She’s going to be a Little Mermaid fan for sure since she already has her own version of a dinglehopper, yay!Likes to laugh at jokes (“ha!”) after other people have laughed at them…did this at Stake Conference a couple of times and got a few laughs of her own.

1 comment:

Megan said...

They are SO CUTE!!!! Oh man how do you get anything done? I'd just look at their cuteness all day long. :)