Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sleeping Beauty, Foofa, Ella - December 2009

I decided to ask my nursery leaders to put my real name on my drawing last Sunday as evidenced below. Also pictured is what happened when mom was at young women's tonight. Keira likes to be tucked in nice and tight. Snug as a bug in front of the TV.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Carousel and the Seattle Center train/village - December 2009

Ready set go! - Pics from Nov 2009

Well, it's official. "Set...Go!" is no longer and is now called "Ready...Set...Go!" I taught it to Keira this evening. Also this evening, I suggested that mom and I both put our imaginary babies to sleep for bed on the top of the slide in my room:) And Prince Phillip sleeps on the floor lately so he will protect the babies and me tonight. And I didn't want mom to go after she tuked me in so I called her back because "I didn't say my personal prayers yet." I can't believe she forgot.

Last week I impressed mom as I read most all of the words to Sleeping Beauty and The Little Mermaid from my Disney book. Mom said she was proud of me and that she loved me and I said "I love you too." Mom was pretty tickled I think because that's the first time I've said it without being prompted.

Keira's favorite thing to do lately is "circle." Mom holds her and spins her around in a circle. And her favorite book to read before bed each night is "I am Not Sleepy and I Will Not go to Bed!" I've also made a couple of long distance calls to Japan lately on Skype with Erica. I showed her my Bella Dancerella moves.

I had a great thanksgiving as evidenced by the pictures below. Keira frequently blurts out Abbey and Finley's names since visiting her cousins. Or maybe it's Ailee and Finley...it's hard to tell sometimes. But now I'm excited for Christmas to come. I am learning more about it now in my old age. I thought that making a paper chain was super fun and use it to countdown to Christmas. I got to go to the carousel at the Seattle Center last Monday with Keira, dad, mom, grandpa, and grandma Bonnie. It was really cold but I loved it. I also got to make the train stop and go at the mini village in the Seattle center. But I'm still learning about Christmas. Dad pointed this fact out on Sunday when we sang "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" in church and I said 'hey, that's from Charlie Brown Christmas!'
Pictures in this post include: Me, Dad, and cousin Finley watching rock band at uncle Jason's and Aunt Debbie's, Jonathan and Jared rock out with dad, Nye Beach, I'm playing Wii with Jonathan and especially liked playing the bicycle game and pretending I was snowboarding with Alton, peek-a-boo with dad at grandma's (mom played in the tent in the background when she was little), Newport aquarium where grandpa helps me with my jacket, Japanese spider crab, peek-a-boo with grandma, our backyard photo shoot and family photo shoot for our Christmas card this year. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

To find prince charming, all you need is a GPS, who knew?!?! - Nov 2009

This morning I snuggled with mom for a little bit while Keira was still sleeping and I was pretending to be Sleeping Beauty and was looking for my prince. So I asked mom if I could use the GPS to find him. We both got a good laugh out of it. Mom also taught me righty tighty lefty loosy today when I helped change a toy battery. I really like to use the screw driver and change batteries in our toys. I also suprised mom with my sweet drawing skills. I traced my hand and turned it into a hand chicken. She didn't even know that I could do that. What can I say, I've got skills.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Queen of the hill...or boat - Oct/Nov 2009

I conquered the boat at Alderwood mall yesterday. I kept asking mom for help to get up on top but she kept saying that I shouldn't be up there if I couldn't climb up myself. Something about having to watch Keira too. Anyway, I finally wiggled myself up. And kept doing it over and over again. I was pretty tickled with myself after doing it the first time and shouted 'I did it mom!' It was a big moment for me.

A couple of nights ago, after tucking me in before they went to bed, and slightly waking me in the process, mom and dad turned off the lights. "Don't turn it off, I'm in here" is what I said in a tired dazed voice. Mom turned the lights back on so that I could go to sleep comfortably. Mom and dad have been joking about what I said when they turned off lights so I guess they thought it was pretty funny. At the time tough I really felt like they didn't know I was there:)

Below are some pictures from Factoria Mall trick-or-treating with grandma and grandpa and the Trunk or Treat at church. I only lasted about 5 houses outside on Halloween night before getting scared by some scary decorations, so thank goodness for the trunk or treat! There are also a few pictures of us just playing around at home. Aubrey is our friend in the pink dress.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Dancing Queen - October 2009

Keira can say hug in Spanish! - October 2009

Keira and I have been practicing our hugs to each other a lot lately. Mom encouraged Keira to say the word hug when she did it. So Keira tried her best and said "hao" so I tell mom (excitedly) that Keira said hug in Spanish! And then I told dad about it later when he came home from work. I don't quite get why mom and dad thought it was funny, but sometimes they laugh easily. Keira's favorite lately is Peek-a-boo and she can say it pretty well too.

Another noteworthy event happened at dinnertime the other night. Dad said that he had a surprise for me after dinner and I said "is it the money you could be saving with Geico?" Mom and dad were laughing pretty hard so I think my comedic timing is improving. Actually, I guess I get exposed to a lot of something called 'advertising' about Geico. There are billboards I frequently see on my way to the store and library. And I also see ads in the newspaper which is what I'd seen shortly before dinner that night.

Below are pictures from my trip to the zoo for mom and dad's birthday. We had a great time. I liked looking at all of the animals, but the carousel was my favorite. I didn't stop smiling the whole time. The picture of K crying is one mom posted because sometimes you've just gotta remember how much you really want to be held by mamma.